Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving in Hackberry!

We got to spend Thanksgiving with Dave's family in Louisiana this year! Dave's parents built a beautiful home on the water (it has survived three hurricanes!), and it is the perfect place for big family gatherings. Almost all of the cousins were able to make it- it was so fun to see all of them together having such a fun time. I know they have many wonderful memories ahead of them!

Sam was so excited to see her Mums and G that I didn't know if we would get a nap out of her or not, but she finally fell asleep the last hour of the drive into Louisiana.

Our first night in Louisiana, Uncle David smoked a brisket all day- it was so yummy! Then the Duzan Family treated us to their awesome dance moves- this is Aunt Stacy (Dave's sister), Uncle David, Ashleigh, and Brooke doing the "Skanky Leg."

Sam and Maddie set the table for Thanksgiving Lunch- isn't it so pretty!

Don't Mums and G make a good looking couple!!! G spent ALL morning in the kitchen (if there was a floorlength shot, you could probably see G's fishing boots!). The guys made it back from a morning of fishing just in time for Thanksgiving Lunch and the Cowboy Game!

Sam ready to eat at the kiddie table

This is the Duzan Fam reading up on super important information- is Jennifer Aniston pregnant with John's baby?

These pictures speak for themselves! I loved watching all the cousins together! They were all so sweet and got along so well. I wish we had more photos of Cole, but he spent a lot of time fishing with Dave and John. Happy 18th Birthday, Cole!

You can't beat this photo either! Dave, Uncle David, John, and Cole got some great fishing in! More fish to add to the freezer!!! Anyone want to come over for fish tacos?

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