Sunday, August 24, 2008

Who would have thought....

Anyone who knows me is well aware of my total lack of computer skills! So, for me to get this blog set up (with the help of my IT Guy, Dave, and my blogging role model, April) is a miracle in itself- we have officially entered the blogging world (is that how you phrase it? I don't even know!). Anyway, I have been a horrible mom- we don't have a video camera, I don't scrapbook, and my computer crashed with a lot of my Sammy Girl pics! So, I thought this might force me to document Sam's life a little better! It is possible that this could be my one and only blog? post? whatever you call it? Or, I could be an ADDICT like some of you other mommies and daddies! Either way, I look forward to sharing stories, memories, and photos with you, and sharing in the lives of your children and families as well!


April said...

Yay!! Your blog is going to be fabulous...I know it!

Marissa said...